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Welcome to Wolf & Man, a website for fics, pics and other goodies related to the comic Traces of the Beast. Traces of the Beast follows the life and complex relationship of Peter Fawkes and Lucius O'Connall, two werewolves living in the modern city of Pacifica. Their struggle to accept what they are, and each other, is explored through both fiction and sequential art. To find out more about Peter and Lucius, check out the Character section. The story started out as a single scene that kept replaying in my mind during the car ride home from a trip to Toronto with Tarot. Developing over 2.5 months, "the Wolfboys comic" went from a scene into a collection of story snippets in my Online Journal to a 22-page introductory comic, to be released sometime in 2002 in the Umbrella Studios Anthology series. Traces owes its title to a room name from the game Vagrant Story, and to Rose Argent who suggested it; and indirectly, to Bishink's Vagrant Story roomlist. The fact that there's a wolfboys comic at all owes to the encouragement of many friends including Cymraes, Larathia, Joy, Leah, Rose Argent, April, Heyoka, Kiren, Tpod, Blackrose, Olga, Alexis, Neko M, Akiko, Jenn K, Tammy, Sae. This story would not exist without my "pack," my lovely friends, sincerely helpful strangers and even my supportive sisters :).
// thanks to Sae & Cymraes for the translation help! |