Lucius is quiet. He's always quiet when he's furious. When he's simply
angry, he snarls and roars and waves his arms about, all teeth and terror.
But when he's furious-- when he's quiet and his lips are pressed together
in a thin white line-- that's when you have to be afraid.
Peter is not afraid, though. Peter is sitting on his chest, looking down
on him, being furious. Peter has not collared him with silver, or tied
him down, Peter is simply sitting calmly on his chest, being unafraid
and somehow that makes him angrier than ever.
He can't be quiet any more. "Get off me," he growls, rumbling
through his teeth.
"A-ha," says Peter, leaning back. "You're not mute, after
He sits up halfway, hoping to roll free, but freezes when he is fixed
with a direct look and a cocked eyebrow. He wants to turn his face away
but he can't; if he were in his wolf-body, he'd flatten his ears and bare
his teeth.
"Be still." Peter presses a hand against his chest, just below
his neck and along the collarbone, and pushes very lightly. He finds himself
flat on his back again, and his hands are shaking, and he tastes his own
blood on his tongue where he's bitten down into his cheek.
Peter stands up, then, and he's not pinned down by body weight any more;
but Peter does not look away, holds his eyes to Lucius's even while he
undresses, fingers slowly fiddling with buttons. One button pops off,
clattering on the floor, and rolls towards Lucius. He thinks that it stops
quite close to his ear but he does not turn his eyes away to look. He
does not watch Peter's shirt fall even though his ears pick up the soft
sound of it falling, even though he wants to watch it pile beside those
calloused feet. He cannot look away.
His breath is fast in his chest, the anger still rising. His lip curls
even though the gesture is futile. This battle has been fought in the
past, and he lost it, and so he lays here still and silent like a pup.
But inside of him he cannot stop the need to rend and tear and beat back
and challenge. One hand twitches with the thought, and even though Peter
does not look at it, he reacts.
He stills, so swiftly and suddenly, that for a moment he forgets to be
furious. He looks away and turns his face and finally he catches himself
and curses, a wolf curse just beneath his breath, because he has given
that last inch, dropping his eyes. He forces himself to look back, to
give challenge again, though it is against all instinct, and he is more
than furious now at himself instead of Peter.
Peter is naked now, but Peter is shy, and turns himself slightly before
dropping into a crouch beside Lucius. Lucius thinks that if he were Alpha
here he would not be shy, he would strut and be proud, and he would be
sure his Packmate knew his power. But he is not Alpha here, much to his
annoyance, and Peter hides his sex as if it were an embarassment, as if
he were underendowed.
"I wish you would relax."
Peter's hand is on his chest, and he can feel his heart pound under it,
thundering rage and fear and anticipation at once. He would snap his teeth,
but that is an odd gesture for a man-body, and he hates looking odd. But
Peter's palm slides lower, and it is firm and warm and strokes over his
belly, and he cannot help but arch up against it. Again Peter strokes
him, like a dog, and again, and again, and he mindlessly relaxes.
Peter knows him too well. The fingers dip lower and trace his hip until
it disappears into the low waist of his pants, and he worries for a moment
that he doesn't want this, doesn't want to submit this way, he has lost
plenty of pride already. But Peter doesn't give him more chance to think
of it: Peter covers his mouth with a kiss, just enough teeth to hurt,
just enough tongue to soothe. He is gasping then, trying to turn away
but his neck not turning, his mouth insisting he stay, his tongue buried
in velvet wet with the sweet pinch of fangs against the tip. His arms
do not stay at his side, they move to push away the invasive body against
his, instead clutching handfuls of rust brown hair and pulling them together
But suddenly he has nothing in his arms, and his body is chilled, but
for the warmth emanating from a palm pushed flat against his chest so
hard he thinks there will be a hand-shaped bruise there in the morning.
Somehow his pants have gotten halfway down his thighs, and his mouth is
full of his own blood and the good good taste of his Alpha, and he whines
because has forgotten to be furious and wants, he wants, hard and heat
and he will even beg if he must. Now.
Peter does not make him beg. Peter leans down to the place where his hand
digs into Lucius's breastbone and slowly he licks the flesh peeking from
between his splayed fingers. Then he is clawing, a trail of red welts
over Lucius's belly made by stumpy man-nails, and even as his tongue laves
the rising tracks his nails stop short of Lucius's sex, and his hand is
wrapped around it instead, and pulls, just once, from joint of body to
swelling tip.
Lucius pants, Lucius trembles, Lucius whines and tries to move
his hips, but then he is shot a look and he immediately stills, clawing
the floor, biting his lips.
Peter pauses so long it is painful, but then he leans in close, and he
scents Lucius, nostrils flaring, one even breath as his face lifts along
the curve of his erection. Peter smiles and then he smiles harder and
his tongue flashes out, warm tongue over warmer flesh. Lucius's fingers
clutch and claw, and Peter is laving him with his tongue, short, slow
strokes like a momma cat, tormenting with alternate heat and cold. He
wants to growl and snarl, or beg and whine, he doesn't know which, he
is in heaven and he is in hell, and he forces himself to lay still, lay
still be still, because if it stops he does not know if he could live
with himself when he begs for it to continue.
Peter is slow and Peter is patient, but Peter evidently likes the taste
of him and Peter wants more, because he is suddenly buried in warm wet,
whole, hips in Peter's hands and free to drive his sex in deeper, frenzied
thrusting in a rhythm he rules, alpha now, driving, mating, and it is
good it is good good good and he is moaning clawing scrabbling, his legs
wrapped around Peter's shoulders, Peter rutting good yes yes tongues wet
sliding coming howling HOWLING! He is howling or screaming or something
like it, coming down, thoughtless, not thinking, Peter releases him and
nips him, but he barely notices, limp on the floor.
He lies on the floor and Peter nuzzles him, and he smells his own scent
on Peter and thinks that it is flattering, the way it should be. Peter
is lying on top of him, stretched out, peaceful, and he thinks maybe he
was furious that Peter was on top of him, on top, but now he doesn't really
mind. But maybe that wasn't why he was angry, he can't remember, feels
Later possibly he will be quite angry, when he remembers why he was so
furious, but Peter knows him too well, oh no, Peter knows. Peter is smiling,
because Peter has won again, but Lucius thinks that it is acceptable,
this time.