Easy to Forget
It's easy to forget, with the way they look most of the time, that they
aren't average, ordinary people. It's easy to forget that Lucius isn't just
some prissy clothes queen with an ego and a temper to match; easy to forget
that Peter had to fight Lucius for his obeisance and relative quietness.
Easy until he comes home to see the door busted open by someone, the locks
splintered clean off the over-priced real wood veneer. Easy until half-wolfed
Lucius is splintering someone's throat just like the door. Easy until his
cream Stainmaster carpet is being stained beyond any hope of repair by thick,
red, blood.
The jaws catch his attention first, jutting out of an otherwise almost ape-like
skull, the gleam of bone and gum and tooth in abnormal places, the bristle
of hair not grown to full length yet. They crush together with a slow patience,
sickening, a drop of spittle going from clear to marbled red as it runs
from werewolf-Lucius's twisted, half-formed lip down the cheek of his victim.
And the smell; the man that Lucius bites? eats? mutilates? has let his
bladder and bowels go, mixing with the overpowering salt-metal reek of
blood. When the smell strikes Peter he flees, to the bathroom, locking
the door behind him and vomiting until he coughs up only bile, and even
then his stomach still convulses.