TSW Diaries: Master Planner–Achieved

Warchitect outfit, reward for Master Planner achievement

So this past Monday we beat the Slaughterhouse Master Planner (beat the entire dungeon without changing builds or gear) in The Secret World finally completing all the dungeons on MP and earning the Master Planner achievement!  We had tried earlier but ended up with one player getting bugged out and unable to move, which made us sad because that round we killed NKL in one go without a hitch.  The second time NKL didn’t go down quite as smoothly, but we burned through the rest of the dungeon with no problems!

The toughest fight on MP by far was the Facility #5 (which we affectionately nicknamed The Five Guys fight) but NKL was tricky too in that the adds kept toying with us.  Still–we made it!

Here’s a collection of all our MP victory shots, wearing the reward outfits!

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